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Distribution of Mammals in Flanders

One of the objectives of the mammalworkinggroup is to protect the mammals. This is only possible if one can possess sufficient data about the distribution of each species. Thats why we have a tradition of collecting recordings on a scale as large as possible.

Our first large scale inventory resulted in 1986 in the publication "Zoogdieren-Inventarisatie in Vlaanderen (1976-85)" (Holsbeek et al., 1986). After this gigantic work, due to the limited means available at that time, the centralization of recorings halted for a few years. But in 1994 we took up the thread again. This should result in 2001 in a distribution atlas for the periode 1986-2000. In 1997 we published a preliminary distribution atlas: "Voorlopige atlas van de Vlaamse zoogdieren" (Onkelinx, 1997).

The mammalworking co-operates in this project with other organisations. We exchange recordings of owl-pellets with the Barn-Owl Workinggroup Flanders and recodings of bats with the Batworkinggroup. Shortly we also co-operate with the Wielewaal vzw.

In co-operation with the Wielewaal we shall publish a newsletter (Dutch only) about our project.You can get a free copy of it by sending an e-mail to


Holsbeek, L.; Lefevre, A.; Van Gompel, J. & R. Vantorre, 1986. Zoogdieren-Inventarisatie in Vlaanderen (1976-85). Gent, Nationale Zoogdierenwerkgroep, 118 p.
Onkelinx, T., 1997. Voorlopige atlas van de Vlaamse zoogdieren. Gent, Zoogdierenwerkgroep van de Jeugdbond voor Natuurstudie en Milieubescherming vzw